Visit the page above to view descriptions of Friday Electives. All electives are all levels, unless otherwise noted.
Vintage Inspiration: The Arthur Murray Shag Dancers w/ Sarah & Jeremy
Air Steps & Tricks for Collegiate Shag w/ Tabitha & Joe
Linger Longer: A deep dive into Slow Balboa w/ Jenn Lee & Mickey
Box Shag w/Shannon Butler
1:00 pm - Mix & Match registration deadline
1:10 pm
Try this one cool move! Lindy Hop (Int) w/ Hannah & Scott
Heel Shag w/ Shannon Butler
2:20 pm
Switchin': Collegiate Shag w/ Julie & Shannon
Air Steps & Tricks for Balboa w/ Theresa & Bobby
Float Like A Butterfly: Pure Balboa w/ Shani & Nick
Solo Follower Styling w/ Tabitha & Taylor
3:30 pm
The Nitty Gritty & Friday Night Performance w/ Stephen
Balboa "Improv" Instruction w/ Jen & Matt
Momentum & Collaboration for Clear, Creative, & Dynamic Switch Dancing for Balboa w/ Emily & Ruth
Mix & Match Prelims
Start times are approximate and contests will roll one after the other. Please arrive promptly at 4:30 pm and remain in the ballroom. Thanks in advance!
4:30 pm: Competitor Check-In & Warm up
5:00 pm: Advanced Collegiate Shag Mix & Match
5:30 pm: Advanced Balboa Mix & Match
6:00 pm: Amateur Balboa Mix & Match
6:30 pm: Amateur Collegiate Shag Mix & Match
7:00 pm: BIPOC social w/ Zach, Ursula & Joanna
8:30 pm: DJ welcome tunes
9:00 pm to Midnight: Live music w/ Rent Party
1st band break: Advanced Collegiate Shag Mix & Match Finals & Performances
2nd band break: Advanced Balboa Mix & Match Finals & Performances
11:45 pm: Invitational Collegiate Shag
Fed closes: Transition to late-night at Life in the City
1:00 am: Late-night dancing with The Charlie Christians
3:00 am: DJ tunes
4:00 am: Rest up for classes!
Breakfast! Famous Round Rock Donuts!
9:00 am: Get here early for coffee and the famous Round Rock donuts!
Track Classes
9:30 to 10:30 am
Senior Collegiate Shag Level Test - Art Gallery
Junior Balboa Level Test - Main Ballroom
Sophomore Collegiate Shag - Georgian Room
Freshmen Balboa - The Landing
10:40 to 11:40 am
Junior Collegiate Shag Level Test - Art Gallery
Senior Balboa Level Test - Main Ballroom
Sophomore Balboa - Georgian Room
Freshman Collegiate Shag - The Landing
Hearing the music through your partner (int/adv) Lindy Hop - The Courtyard
Noon to 1:00 pm
Lunch | Taco Truck & Discussion with Grammy-nominated Colin Hancock!
Grab your Top Tacos & Join us for lunch with Colin Hancock in the Ballroom! Have you ever wondered how those original swing hits like “Jive at Five,” “O O’Clock Jump,” and “Sing, Sing, Sing” were first made? Well, Grammy Nominated jazz historian and multi-instrumentalist Colin Hancock will give a presentation on just that, presenting and demonstrating the technology that captured those original sounds of the swing era. In addition to showcasing different kinds of cool old records and fun old machines, Hancock will also cut and play back a record in front of the audience–and maybe with them too!”